2022 sadness.png
2022 sadness.png




"Whatever it is that has made you feel blue...Ask yourself if you're sad, and if so, begin to work it through.  And remember, it's perfectly normal to feel how you feel, you feelings are important and are very real!" -Elle Grey from the story, THE EMOTION SADNESS

We all hate to feel sad, but to see our little ones sad is so much worse. We would gladly take away their sadness and make it our own if we could. And there are so many things that can make our kids feel sad that it can be a very common feeling.  

Sadness teaches our kids that, first when they are feeling down, they need to be sure of how they're feeling by, "Taking a little pause" and ask themselves, "How do I feel? and "What is the cause?" Our kids have to know the questions to ask themselves and once they, "Can name how they feel, they can quickly begin to heal!"

Sadness also teaches that healing can be a process and even gives some ideas they can use to work through their sadness. Because we don't want our little ones, "Going too long wearing a frown, so it's best to work through it when they're feeling down!"




"Whatever it is that has made you feel blue...Ask yourself if you're sad, and if so, begin to work it through.  And remember, it's perfectly normal to feel how you feel, you feelings are important and are very real!"

-Elle Grey from the story, The Emotion Sadness