This Collection teaches our children what to watch out for in their world

As a parent, we want nothing more than to keep our children safe-keep them out of harms way and to be there for them at all times... However, being there every minute of every day just isn't possible.  But what if we can teach our children now about some of those dangerous things in their world?

Such as those bottles under the sink, those white rectangles in our walls that have cords attached to them, or maybe that stray dog walking through the neighborhood...This Collection will cover dangers in the home, outside of the home, dangers while traveling, why water and fire can be dangerous, and more!  This Collection, like all of Elle Grey's stories, allows us to teach our children in a fun and often funny way so that our children want to listen, all the while, making sure that the lesson of each story is revealed and thoroughly enjoyed!


The Protection Collection is set for release after The Emotions Collection.